The decision will be completely up to you however, there are some things to consider when making your decision.

1) How comfortable are you representing yourself?

2) How much money are you willing to spend? or Save?

3) Do you need legal advice in order to make a decision on what to do with your legal matter?

Legal Document Preparers can provide many services that an attorney can EXCEPT give legal advice, provide strategies, or offer opinions related specifically to your case. We cannot represent you in Court or speak directly to Judges.  We cannot speak to the other parties’ attorney or any other person on your behalf.

Legal Document Preparers CAN provide general information as it pertains to the law.  We can provide options to help you make decisions.  We can prepare, file and serve your legal documents according to the Rules of Civil Procedure and Rules of Family Law Procedure.  We can provide legal notice to all parties entitled to receive notice.  We can obtain hearing dates.

So, ultimately the decision is yours based upon your comfort level and at times on your pocketbook.